The Journal of International
Advanced Otology
Original Article

Cartilage Ossiculoplasty from Stapes to Tympanic Membrane in One-Stage Intact Canal Wall Tympanoplasty for Cholesteatoma


Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Fondation A. de Rothschild, Paris, France

J Int Adv Otol 2017; 13: 171-175
DOI: 10.5152/iao.2017.3199
Read: 2448 Downloads: 1082 Published: 03 September 2019


OBJECTIVE: To report hearing results of cartilage interposition ossiculoplasty in one-stage intact canal wall (ICW) tympanoplasty for cholesteatoma with intact stapes.


MATERIALS and METHODS: A retrospective study of pre and postoperative hearing status was conducted at a tertiary referral otologic center in a series of 61 patients having undergone one-stage ICW tympanoplasty for cholesteatoma with intact stapes and cartilage ossiculoplasty during the same procedure.


RESULTS: In the preoperative period, the mean air conduction thresholds (AC), air-bone gap (ABG), and speech reception thresholds (SRT) were 35.3, 20.14, and 35.6 dB, respectively. Postoperatively, with a mean follow-up of 29 months, AC, ABG, and SRT were 27.8, 13.34, and 28.8 dB, respectively. Mean hearing gain was 6.8 dB and mean SRT improvement was 6.8 dB. Mean bone conduction thresholds for 1, 2, and 4 kHz remained stable after surgery (17.6 dB preoperatively vs. 18 dB postoperatively).


CONCLUSION: Cartilage ossiculoplasty from stapes to tympanic membrane in one-stage ICW tympanoplasty for cholesteatoma is a safe, reliable, easy, and effective procedure, with no additional cost.



Cite this article as: Ayache D, Manac’h F, Teszler CB, Veyrat M, El Bakkouri W, Corré A, et al. Cartilage Ossiculoplasty from Stapes to Tympanic Membrane in One-Stage Intact Canal Wall Tympanoplasty for Cholesteatoma. J Int Adv Otol 2017; 13: 171-5.

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