The Journal of International
Advanced Otology
Original Article
Cochlear Implantation in Congenital Long-QT Syndrome: A Comprehensive Study

Cochlear Implantation in Congenital Long-QT Syndrome: A Comprehensive Study


Madras ENT Research Foundation (P) Ltd, Otorhinolaryngology, Chennai, India

J Int Adv Otol 2019; 15: 352-357
DOI: 10.5152/iao.2019.7404
Read: 2415 Downloads: 1230 Published: 16 December 2019

OBJECTIVES: Jervell and Lange–Nielsen syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by congenital sensorineural deafness and significant QT interval prolongation. Aims were to study the prevalence of long QT in congenital hearing loss, complications encountered, outcomes by Categories of auditory Performance (CAP) scores and Speech Intelligibility Rating (SIR) scores and to create an algorithm with precautions to be followed in Long QT children.

MATERIALS and METHODS: Study was done at Auditory implant center at a tertiary referral care ENT hospital which includes 41 paediatric patients who were diagnosed to have Long QT during preoperative assessment and underwent cochlear implantation. A standard Protocol was followed in all candidates which includes comprehensive targeted history and investigations, preoperative and intraoperative precautions, and the findings were recorded.

RESULTS: Preoperative prophylactic Beta blockers, avoiding sympathetic stimulation and drugs prolonging QT interval with rational use of Magnesium Sulphate and standby of defibrillator were the standard precautions practised. Fatal Arrhythmias were encountered intra-operatively in five patients which was treated with cardiac pacing. Cardiac monitoring was done intraoperatively and during switch-on. Significant improvement in CAP and SIR scores were observed at 3 and 6 months when compared to their base line values.

CONCLUSION: With special attention to preoperative evaluation, appropriate intraoperative precautions and monitoring, judicious surgical planning and post surgical follow-up cochlear implantation may be performed safely in patients with JLNS with good postoperative results allowing for improved audition.

Cite this article as: Anto R, Maheswari S, Vadivu S, Kameswaran M. Cochlear Implantation in Congenital Long-QT Syndrome: A Comprehensive Study. J Int Adv Otol 2019; 15(3): 352-7.

EISSN 2148-3817