The Journal of International
Advanced Otology
Original Article

Revision Stapedectomy with Necrosis of the Long Process of the Incus: Does the Degree of Necrosis Matter? A Retrospective Clinical Study


Department of Otolaryngology, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt

J Int Adv Otol 2017; 13: 28-31
DOI: 10.5152/iao.2017.3206
Read: 2503 Downloads: 1018 Published: 03 September 2019


OBJECTIVE: To discuss the different modalities for managing necrosis of the long process of the incus in revision stapedectomy on the basis of the degree of necrosis and compare the results with those reported in the literature.


MATERIALS and METHODS: Thirty-six patients underwent revision stapedectomy with the necrosis of the long process of the incus from 2009 to 2016. The patients were divided into three groups on the basis of the degree of necrosis. For group A (minimal necrosis), augmentation technique with bone cement was performed. For group B (partial necrosis), the cement plug technique was performed. For group C (sever necrosis), malleus relocation with malleovestibulopexy was performed using reshaped necrosed incus. Air and bone conduction thresholds at frequencies of 500–3000 Hz were reviewed pre- and postoperatively using conventional audiometry. The air–bone gap (ABG) and bone conduction thresholds were measured.


RESULTS: Postoperative ABG was reduced to <10 dB in 28 cases (77.8%) and <20 dB in all cases (100%). There was no significant change in postoperative bone conduction thresholds. The mean patient follow-up duration was 23 (range, 18–36) months. The cement plug technique was used in 75% of cases.


CONCLUSION: Managing necrosis of the long process of the incus in revision stapedectomy should be considered according to the degree of necrosis. The cement plug technique is considered to be a reasonable option in most cases. Malleus relocation with malleovestibulopexy is an effective alternative to prosthesis.

EISSN 2148-3817