OBJECTIVES: Skull base is an important and a challenging area for surgeons. Success in skull base surgery depends on various factors such as pre-operative evaluation, appropriate surgical technique, anesthesia duration, intraoperative neuromonitorization and wound care.
MATERIALS and METHODS: This study was performed in the Anatomy dissection laboratory of M.U. Medical Faculty (Ethical committee approval number 2010-103). Twelve fetuses between 17-33 gestational weeks fixed with formaldehyde were enrolled to the study.
RESULTS: This study was planned to investigate the cross sectional areas of the sigmoid sinus in three levels to compare the right-left sides and the probable relationship among the levels in fetuses to further delineate the developmental factors on jugular foramen asymmetry. The cross-sectional measurements of sigmoid sinus lumen were done on 3 levels which are described as A1 level; sinodural angle, A2 level; the midpoint between the sinodural angle and endocranial orifice and A3 level as the entrance (endo-cranial orifice) of the jugular foramen. There is a strong positive correlation between left (L) A1 and L A2 and also the same for L A1 and right (R) A2. These strong and positive correlations are all valid between L A2-L A3, L A2-R A2, L A2-R A3, L A3-R A3, R A1-R A2.
CONCLUSION: Multicenter studies would be beneficial to investigate the topic with greater number of fetuses also on the different regions for genetic differences.
Cite this article as: Özalp H, Aktekin M, Hamzaoğlu V, Vayisoğlu Y, Karataş MA, Karşıyaka D, et al. The Comparison of the Right and Left Sigmoid Sinus Cross-Sectional Areas in Fetal Period and the Factors Affecting the Venous Dominance. J Int Adv Otol 2019; 15(3): 409-14.