The Journal of International
Advanced Otology
Case Report
In Patients with Unexplained Non-Epidemic Recurrent Meningitis a Direct Communication between the Subarachnoid Space and the Outside Must Be Sough

In Patients with Unexplained Non-Epidemic Recurrent Meningitis a Direct Communication between the Subarachnoid Space and the Outside Must Be Sough


Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

J Int Adv Otol 2019; 15: 313-316
DOI: 10.5152/iao.2019.4208
Read: 1881 Downloads: 865 Published: 03 September 2019



Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea is not an uncommon condition, and it may lead to recurrent attacks of meningitis. The detection of the leakage site is an essential part of the investigations performed for the patient. In some cases, an anterior skull base site cannot be detected despite continuous leakage. In these cases, a more distal site must be sought. Furthermore, in some cases, the leakage occurs in the temporal bone. In such patients, a history of hearing loss or previous ear complaints indicates a hidden CSF otorhinorrhea. We present two adult cases of congenital hearing loss due to unilateral inner ear anomalies who presented later in life with repeated meningitis attacks and CSF otorhinorrhea.


Cite this article as: Mostafa BE, Elfiky LM. In Patients with Unexplained Non-Epidemic Recurrent Meningitis a Direct Communication between the Subarachnoid Space and the Outside Must Be Sough. J Int Adv Otol 2019; 15(2): 313-6.

EISSN 2148-3817